Proud to be part of the
Co-op Academies Trust
Proud to be part of the
Co-op Academies Trust
A Warm Welcome
From our Headteacher
Mr Richardson, Headteacher
I was appointed in June 2020 and I am delighted about what we have achieved over the last few years. In the summer exams in 2024 we have achieved our best ever Progress 8 score. This means children attending our Academy did better than students at other schools. Indeed, we were in the top 1/3 of all schools nationally. This is a wonderful achievement for our students. When Ofsted last visited us in May 2023, they judged us to be a 'good' school, where 'students wear their uniform with pride' (Ofsted, May 2023).
Year 8 students at Co-op Academy Stoke-on-Trent are getting stuck into the First Give programme, an exciting opportunity that empowers young people to support and advocate for charities that matter to them. They are now working together in their tutor groups to research charities they might want to...
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Year 10 Sport students had a fantastic day gaining insight into the world of sports careers, with visits to Staffordshire University and Stoke City FC. The day was designed to give them a deeper understanding of career pathways in sport, from sports science to professional coaching and sports manage...
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Students in Year 10 and Year 11 took part in essential emergency first aid training during their Life Skills lessons, thanks to a visit from Cookson First Aid. This training session, which Cookson kindly provided free of charge, gave students hands-on experience in life-saving techniques, equipping...
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Staff work hard to help pupils become well-rounded young adults. Leaders set high expectations for what they want pupils to achieve and how they can broaden their horizons beyond the local area. Many pupils appreciate these opportunities and wear their school uniform with pride.”
Leaders have put in place a systematic intervention programme, including for those pupils who need support with their phonics. This support is proving highly effective in helping pupils to catch up.
Pupils benefit from many different wider opportunities. Several pupils take part in the Co-op Young Leaders programme and get involved with community activities, including supporting primary school pupils and local charity groups.