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Return to the Academy – September 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Return to the Academy – September

We are staggering the start of term in September.  New Year 7 students will be in the academy on the 7th September.  All other year groups will start the term on Thursday 8th September.  Each year group will start at a different time.  These times are shown in the table below.

Additionally, all Students are required to attend a pastoral meeting with their Tutor and to collect their timetable on Wednesday 7th September, please check Google Classroom from Monday 5th September for the timings. Students also must attend in their full academy uniform.

Year Group Date Time
7 Wednesday 7th September 08:50
8 Thursday 8th September 09:15
9 Thursday 8th September 09:35
10 Thursday 8th September 10:55
11 Thursday 8th September 10:25

School Starts at 8:50

From Friday 9th September, all students will start school at the normal time of 8:50.  We expect all students to be in their Meet and Greet lines by 8:50.  Any student who is not in their line at 8:50 is late.  This will result in a same day 30 minute detention.  

We understand that occasionally students, for a variety of plausible and unavoidable reasons, are late, although this should be very rare.  If this is the case, we would ask that the students’ parents contact the academy to let us know.  


All students are expected to attend the academy in full uniform when they return.  Our school uniform has not changed. Parents and carers need to ensure that their child has the correct uniform for September.  

Our uniform is as follows:

  • Black trousers – not denim, leggings or tightly fitted
  • Black knee length skirt
  • White shirt – with a top button, not a blouse
  • Black blazer with the Academy badge to be worn at all times
  • Flat black shoes – not trainers or anything that has the appearance of a trainer
  • Muslim students may wear a plain black shalwar kameez, plain black scarf with an Academy blazer or a plain balc jilbab.
  • Students may also wear a plain black v-neck cardigan or jumper, which must show the colour on the tie.  There must be no visible logos.

Our PE Kit is as follows:

  • Academy black polo shirt
  • Plain black tracksuit bottoms or plain black gym leggings.
  • Trainers.

Students bring their kit with them on the days when they have PE and get changed at the start of the lesson.


Students are not allowed to wear jewellery of any description at any time except a watch.  The Academy will ask students who wear jewellery to remove it.  Repeated breaches of this rule will result in jewellery being confiscated.

Hair Styles

Students must have hair that is natural in colour and not extreme in style.

Make Up

We recognise that this can be a sensitive issue and have therefore agreed the following reasonable approach to make-up:

  • Make up can be worn but must be neutral: false eye-lashes and make-up that is any colour other than a neutral one is not allowed.
  • Any type of artificial nail, and nail polish of any colour, are not allowed.
  • Students will be asked to remove make-up and nails if they are in breach of this rule.  


All students require basic equipment to be used in their lessons, they need:

  • 2 black pens 
  • A pencil
  • A ruler
  • A pencil case
  • A proper school bag to carry their equipment

In September, all students will be issued with a knowledge organiser and a Coop Dictionary, all students must bring both of these every day.  We expect students to look after these and ensure that they are kept in good condition.  

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are banned at our academy.  Students are not allowed to use their mobile phone at any point during the academy day.  Students who bring a mobile phone will be asked to switch it off and keep it in their bag at Meet and Green first thing in the morning.  

If it is seen at any point after that, students will receive a same-day 30 minute detention.  

If parents need to contact students, they are asked to contact the main reception to do so and we will ensure messages are delivered appropriately.  

Mobile phones are a distraction and stop children learning.  Equally, they have a detrimental effect on students’ wellbeing and mental health.  Evidence from a range of sources has demonstrated this is the case.  In turn, we ask parents to fully support our stance on this matter.

Free Breakfast Club – 8am

We have opened a breakfast club that is free to all students every day.  I want to strongly encourage students to come into school in time to grab something to eat and have a drink.  Our breakfast club has proved incredibly popular so far.  It is absolutely free to all students.  Students wishing to attend should come to the canteen between 8am and 8:30.  Food stops being served at 8:40.

Feedback from students has been incredibly positive and I want to encourage as many students as possible to take advantage of this great opportunity.

Teaching Groups

At the start of September, students will be placed into their teaching groups for the year ahead.  Last year, our focus was very much on helping students to recover their learning gaps from COVID.  It may be that there are some slight changes to groups as we move back to full normality.  

I hope you enjoy the last few days of the summer holiday and we look forward to welcoming everybody in September.

Yours faithfully

Mr S. Richardson
