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GCSE Results 2022 – A Record Breaking Year

This year was the first time that students had set externally marked exams since the pandemic.  That in itself is significant.  But when we stop for a moment and consider the uncertainty and, at times, chaos of the last few years, the achievements of all students taking exams this year is put firmly into perspective.

The Class of 2022 started their GCSEs in September 2020 just as schools were reopening following the COVID lockdown of Spring 2020.  As we now know, there was still a further lockdown to come; countless days of isolation; and uncertainty and unpredictability at every turn.  

And yet, our students overcame the challenges of the pandemic to achieve the Academy’s best ever results.  

There are so many ways to analyse a set of exam results and there is no question at all that these results mark an historic moment for the academy.  More importantly than that though, these results are a crucial moment in the lives of the young people who have demonstrated incredible resilience to achieve them.

The cohort of 2022 have achieved more passes in English and maths than ever before; they have achieved more Grade 9s than any other group of students in the Academy’s history; and from the day that they started to the end of Year 11, they have made more progress than any other Year 11 cohort.  

We are exceptionally proud of their academic achievements; we are even more in awe of the character and integrity that they have shown through difficult circumstances to arrive at this point.  

It is customary on Results Days to highlight individual successes.  And there are many.  However, I think that on this occasion we should celebrate everyone’s success.  Every single student had their own experience of the pandemic; each had their own challenges to overcome; and they did so with incredible grit and strength of character.

The Cohort of 2022 has infused me with a sense of incredible optimism about the future.  If these young people can confront, tackle and overcome the adversity of the last few years, and achieve these exceptional results, then I look forward to hearing of their accomplishments as adults.  There is little doubt that they can become great leaders and innovators of the future.

For us, at the Academy, they have set the standard for what success looks like.  Their legacy will be a continued and relentless determination to build on their success and reach new heights.  

On behalf of all our teachers and staff: congratulations, we are incredibly proud of you.

We wish them all every success in their next steps and all the happiness as they begin to make their way as adults.  

Mr S. Richardson
