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Academy Day

Please see our Academy Day below:

Time KS3 KS4
8.00-8.40 Breakfast Club is open and free of charge for all students.
8.40-8.50 8.40am is the official start of the Academy Day. Students meet their head of year, year manager and teacher to formally begin their day at the Academy.
8.50-9.50 Period 1
9.50-10.50 Period 2
10.50-11.10 Tutor Time/Assembly
11.10-11.30 Morning break
11.30-12.30 Period 3
12.30-13.10 Period 4 Lunch
13.10-13.30 Period 4
13.30-14.10 Lunch
14.10-15.10 Period 5
15.10-16.00 After school Electives and P6 sessions

This totals 32.5 hours a week for all students. However, most of our students also choose to take part in our Breakfast Club and electives programme.