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The Emma Murray Award for Kindness

Last week’s Prize Evening culminated with the announcement of the winners of the Emma Murray Award for Kindness.

The worthy winners were Shang, Year 11, and Caitlin, Year 8. Both students had been nominated by staff for the kindness, thoughtfulness, and compassion they show to others, every single day.

The prize was first awarded in 2019 after the tragic death of inspirational English teacher and PSHE Lead, Emma Murray. Emma began her teaching career at the Academy and soon became a much-loved member of staff by students and colleagues alike.

Emma taught the students that being kind matters, how you treat other people matters, and striving to do the right thing matters.

It is for these reasons that this award is so fitting and a chance for students who embody Emma’s values, day in, day out, to receive recognition for being such wonderful members of our Academy community. 

The well-deserved winners were announced by Mrs Davies, Assistant Headteacher, and Mrs Crowther-Green, Senior Deputy Headteacher, both of whom knew Emma well. It was an honour to welcome her parents and sister onto the stage alongside them to hand over the awards.

Caitlin’s KS3 prize was given for her unwavering kindness and honesty;

Caitlin is one of the most exceptionally kind, genuine and considerate students that we have had the privilege to teach. 

She embodies the Co-op Values in the most authentic way, displaying acts of kindness and integrity that exemplify the core values of our Academy. 

Caitlin displays unwavering honesty and empathy and is a role model to other students. She shows commitment to doing the right thing, every single day. 

Her kindness to other students is genuine and heartfelt and will, undoubtedly, have a long lasting impact on our Academy community.

She is, unquestionably, a deserving recipient of this prestigious accolade. 

The staff nominations for Shang’s KS4 prize, meanwhile, focused on the empathy she shows both for her peers and the wider world;

Shang is a passionate advocate for social justice. Throughout her time at the Academy, she has been actively involved in championing causes that promote and protect equality. 

She constantly strives to learn more about the world, with the single aim of helping to affect change. 

She articulately and intelligently questions the status quo and is eager to pursue any role that means she can help others. She is kind for being kind's sake: she doesn't do it for recognition or praise but because it is the right thing to do. 

She has supported and motivated many of her peers, particularly during Y11. 

We are confident that great things await Shang. 

We also know that whatever future career path she chooses, kindness and empathy will be at the heart of everything she does. 



We are incredibly proud of both students and know that Emma would have been too.