Good attendance and punctuality are vital for our students to achieve the best possible outcome for their future.
We would like to highlight some key points for you as parents and carers;
- Our academy target is 96% or above. Our statistics show that students achieving this secure higher grades in their final exams and increase opportunities for their future.
- It is your responsibility to report any reason for absence wherever possible before 8.50 am via the absence line 01782 882300 option 1. A voicemail option is available outside of the academy working hours.
- Please avoid making non-emergency appointments during the academy day. Appointments made during the academy day must be supported by evidence such as appointment letters, appointment cards, or any other relevant documents. This will enable us to authorise appointments appropriately.
- As an academy, we do not authorise holidays. If you wish to remove your child/children from their education during term time you must complete a leave of absence request form which is available from reception or the Attendance Team. Any leave of absence requests should be made at least four weeks prior to the leave being taken.
- Please ensure your child/children are arriving at the academy on time. We expect that they are here no later than 8.35 am for a prompt 8.40 am lesson start.
- There is a breakfast club and library club available from 8 am each morning.
- Please allow extra time for heavy traffic and poor weather conditions during the winter months. Interruptions to lessons for late arrivers affect learning.
We are proud to praise and reward our students for their outstanding attendance throughout the academic year and would like to thank you in advance for your continued support in ensuring they arrive on time and attend each day.