Student Leadership Team
Our overall aim is to listen to, respond to and involve students in all aspects of Academy life.
This is so that all students are able to participate fully as active citizens, take ownership over their education and co-construct their learning with teachers and other parties. The role of the students in the life of the Academy is vital if we are to further develop as a high performing Academy which speaks for all its students.
Through the active involvement of students, we intend to:
- Contribute to whole Academy improvement
- Improve teaching and learning
- Share good practice between Faculties/departments
- Promote students’ views and take their suggestions on board
- Create a working partnership between the Student Council and the Senior Leadership Team
- Involve students in decisions about the running of the school
- Provide opportunities for young people to get involved in leadership within the school through our CYL Programme
- Participate in national and local initiatives, events and campaigns pertinent to student voice. In particular extend our Eco-School committee to work within the local community
Student Voice is made up of students from various groups that run within the Academy:
Student Council
We have the Whole Academy Council, which is made up of 2 members from each year group. These students really stood out in their interviews and showed a passion for acting on behalf of all students within the Academy.
We then have 4 committees:
The Building Committee, The Learning Committee, The Rewards Committee and the Communities Committee. Each committee has at least one member of the Whole Academy Council to ensure a clear line of communication between all areas. There are around 14 students in each sub-committee ranging from students in Year 7 – 11.
Whole Academy Student Council
Pull together all the thoughts of the committees and present thoughts and ideas to SLT. This is then fed back to students and staff through GOAL Time, assemblies and Plasma Screens.
Learning Committee
Helping the 6 faculties within the Academy with any ideas/issues. The committee discusses new teaching and learning ideas and shares views and thoughts on areas such as marking methods and new learning policies such as Fix It Time.
The Building Committee
Discuss any improvements we could make within the building. i.e. lunchtime activities and new facilities.
Rewards Committee
Discuss ways of rewarding students. Looking at how we can create a positive ethos within the Academy. This committee has been instrumental in the new grading system of students effort in lessons.
Communities Committee
Work together to discuss what should happen in terms of inter-community competitions, what charities the Academy should be supporting and how to improve Activity days.
Due to an increased interest from students who wanted to become part of Student Council we extended two of our committees – The Learning Committee and The Communities Committee.
We therefore have two sub committees.
The Learning Sub-Committee:
Students have been linked to the 6 Faculty Areas to work alongside the Heads of Faculty. They are involved in representing the Faculty at Open Evenings and helping with displays. We hope to build on this by students working with staff on developing Schemes of Work so they develop a more integral role in developing teaching and learning.
The Communities Sub-Committee:
Students have been linked to the 4 Communities Groups. Students will work alongside the Heads of Community to help update displays, deliver information to Community Groups, organise and help run events such as Charity Weeks and Activity days.
Students and Staff are asked for their thoughts and views. Year 10 Student Council members are responsible for gathering these views and suggestions from both Coaching Groups and Faculty Areas so that they can be discussed at Committee meetings. We also have an email and suggestion box on Student Reception with forms to put views/ideas down.