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GCSE Triple Science Students Inspired at Science Live in Sheffield

Just before British Science Week, GCSE Triple Science students from Co-op Academy Stoke-on-Trent had an incredible opportunity to attend GCSE Science Live in Sheffield, where they heard from five of Britain’s leading scientists working at the cutting edge of their fields. The event aimed to inspire young people by showcasing the real-world impact of science and providing expert advice on GCSE success.

The day was packed with engaging and thought-provoking lectures from top scientists, carefully chosen for their ability to connect with students and make complex topics accessible. Students were captivated by talks from Prof Jim Al-Khalili, Dr Hannah Critchlow, Dr Giles Yeo, Dr Anna Ploszajski, and Dr Tim Gabriel, each sharing fascinating insights into their areas of research.

As well as hearing from these world-class experts, students received valuable guidance on exam success from an experienced science examiner. This session provided practical tips on tackling GCSE science questions and improving exam technique, helping students feel more confident about their upcoming assessments.

Coming just before British Science Week, the trip reinforced the importance of science in everyday life and encouraged students to think about the many careers available in STEM fields. It showed how science offers real solutions to many of the world’s biggest challenges and inspired students to consider future studies in science beyond GCSE. Each student also received a booklet with details on the speakers, their lectures, and additional articles about studying and working in science.

The trip was an exciting and inspiring experience, broadening students’ perspectives and strengthening their enthusiasm for science. Thank you so much to Miss Salem for organising the visit. A huge well done to all of our students for their engagement—we hope this visit has sparked even greater ambition for the future!