Accessibility Plan
Co-op College Stoke-on-Trent
Accessibility Plan
October 2021
The Co –operative Academy of Stoke- on Trent Mission statement:--
● A belief that all will excel ● Happy, safe, successful students ● Sought after centre of learning ● Working together to” be the best” |
The core values of the Academy are: - Respect, Equality and Responsibility.
The Accessibility plan addresses the statutory requirements of the Equality Act 2010 (which replaces the Disability Discrimination Act 1995) and supports our Mission Statement by a commitment to:-
Continue to improve all aspects of the environment of the Academy site and resources so that all disabled students can take full advantage of the educational and extra-curricular activities provided.
Definition (Equality Act 2010)
“A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities”
Recent Academy Developments
In September 2012 the Academy opened in a new purpose built £23million building funded through the BSF (Building School for the Future) Programme.
Compliance with the DDA was a priority when planning the new Academy building which has ensured that features to support access for disabled students, staff and visitors are incorporated into the design. These include:-
● Ample disabled parking adjacent to the reception area and Community entrance.
● Disabled access through automatic doors
● Lift access to all floors with braille on control buttons
● Automatic lighting to assist visually impaired
● Disabled toilet provision in all Faculties /areas
● Disabled changing/shower facilities in PE/IZONE
● Wide accessible corridors for wheelchair access
● All stairs compliant with contrast strips for visually impaired
● All walls/floors and furniture compliant with 30% colour difference for visually impaired
● Wiring for sound field equipment in place in all teaching rooms
● Hearing loop in place in lecture theatre, hall, reception, sports hall and interview rooms by reception. ● Adjustable table /work bench height for wheelchair users in all faculties
● Fire alarm pitch appropriate for hearing impaired
● Signage at height/size/location for visually impaired
● Wheelchair access for tiered seating in the hall
● Switches and door handles at wheelchair height throughout the building
● Evacuation arrangements in place with call buttons on stairwells
● Windows in doors are compliant with DDA recommendations
Maintenance and renewal
To ensure that these features do not fall into disrepair they are monitored regularly by site supervisory staff. Individual needs
Changes may need to be made to this plan to meet the changing needs of individuals. Advice from the SENDCo (for students) and line managers (for staff) will be acted upon and provision made as required.
Specific priorities include:-
● Review the Academy’s responsibility under the provisions of the Equality Act (2010)
● Provide mobile sound field system to be located where needed.
● Ramped access from main gate to student entrance
In addition to these priorities the Academy will:-
● Constantly review the provision of support for disabled students and visitors, taking on board new developments and resources. Curriculum delivery
The Academy actively seeks the support and advice of all relevant services to ensure the curriculum is accessible to all students.
Relevant modifications to the delivery of the curriculum are negotiated on an individual basis as required with the advice and support of SENSS, SENDCo and any other relevant agency.
Associated policies and plans
This plan should be considered in conjunction with the following relevant policies.
● Equal Opportunities for students
● SEND policy
● Curriculum policy
● School ADP
Review and Evaluation
This plan is a policy of the Governing Body and will be reviewed biannually by the Inclusion Committee.
Adopted by the Academy .............................................................................................. Chair of Governors
……………………………………………………………………. Headteacher ..............................................................................................
Review Date .....Sept 2022.........................................................................................
Planning duty 1: Curriculum
Governing bodies should undertake an audit of the extent to which pupils with disabilities can access the curriculum on an equal basis with their peers. Short, medium and long term action should then be identified to address specific gaps and improve access. All procedures will be carried out in a reasonable time, and after taking into account pupils’ disabilities and the preferences of themselves or their parents/carers.
Issue | What Who When Outcome criteria | Review | |
Short term | Staff members do not know whether the curriculum is accessible. | Audit of staff Headteacher/ Sept Management and teaching staff are aware of the accessibility gaps in the curriculum training teachers/SENDCO 2021 needs on curriculum access | Autumn 2022 |
Some Staff members do not have the skills to support pupils with SEND | INSET Hed teacher Sept Staff members have the skills to provided to support children with SEND External 2021 staff advisors/SENDCO members | Autumn 2022 |
Mediu m term | Ensure that all academy trips and residential activities are accessible to all | Needs of Teachers/SEND Autumn Planning of academy trips takes into CO account children with disabilities children with 2021 SEND incorporated into planning process | Summer 2022 |
Long term | Improve links with local special school to improve understandin g of the curriculum | Organise Teachers/SENDCO Spring Increase confidence of staff in developing their curriculum areas accessibility opportunities 2022 for staff to observe the curriculum at local special schools | Autumn 2022 |
Planning duty 2: Physical environment
Governing bodies should undertake an audit of the extent to which pupils with disabilities can access the physical environment on an equal basis with their peers. Short, medium and long term action should then be identified to address specific gaps and improve access. All procedures will be carried out in a reasonable time, and after taking into account pupils’ disabilities and the preferences of themselves or
their parents/carers.
Issue | What Who When | Outcome | Review |
Issue | What Who When | Outcome | Review | |
Short term | Need to be aware of the access needs of disabled, students, staff and visitors | Create access SENDCO/Busi Ongoing plans on an ness Manager individual basis where necessary | Everyone has equal access as far as reasonably possible | As required |
Ensure all disabled people can be safely evacuated | Provide training Business Sept to staff – use of Manager / 2021 Evac Chairs Site Manager | All disabled students, staff and visitors can safely evacuate the building in the event of an emergency | Spring 2022 |
Mediu m
Liaise with
Primary Schools
SENDCO / Head of
Sprin g
More detailed information about students and the information is provided earlier
Autumn 2022
Long term | Ensure all fire escape routes are suitable for all | Request advice from H&S Advisor on accessibility of exit routes and fire doors | Academy Sept All disabled students, staff and visitors to have a safe independent business 2021 way out in manager/ Site emergency situations Manager | Summer 2022 |
Planning duty 3: Information
Governing bodies should undertake an audit of the extent to which pupils with disabilities can access information on an equal basis with their peers. Short, medium and long term action should then be identified to address specific gaps and improve access. All procedures will be carried out in a reasonable time, and after taking into account pupils’ disabilities and the preferences of themselves or their parents/carers |
Issue | What Who When | Outcome | Review | |
Short term | Review information to parents/carers to ensure it is accessible | Provide SENDCO/Offi Ongoing information and ce Manager letters in clear print (Arial 12). The academy office will support and help parents to access information. | All parents/carers receive information in a form that they can access | Ongoing |
Mediu m term | To ensure a smooth transition between Y6 and Y7 | To meet with the SENDCO/ Spring feeder primary Head of 2022 schools and Transition devise strategies to ensure a smooth transition. Y6 open evening | Parents/carers are more confident about the transition to Secondary. Information is given to parents/carers in different formats | Autumn 2022 |
Long term | Reading difficulties of | Parents/carers SENDCO Autumn who have 2021 difficulty | Parents/carers feel confident to request these meetings. Help with form filling, etc. | Summer 2022 |
parents/carers Parents may have hearing impairment and may ned BSL signer | reading have face to face meetings. Identify parents/carers reluctant to contact the academy |