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Home School agreement

Home/Academy agreement

CO-OP Academy Stoke on Trent

Our Academy will:

  • Ensure all young people have the best teaching, the broadest opportunities, and can fulfil their potential.  
  • Provide a safe, welcoming and inclusive learning environment where your child can flourish academically, socially and personally
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that challenges, motivates, and engages your child
  • Ensure that your child attains the highest possible results in all assessments and examinations
  • Promote the Co-op Ways of Being - Do what matters most; Be yourself, always; Show you care; Succeed together.
  • Promote British values of democracy, rule of law, Respect and tolerance and individual liberty
  • Provide outstanding support for your child through our dedicated pastoral, mentoring, and safeguarding teams
  • Encourage and support your child in developing skills of independence and personal responsibility
  • Maintain regular contact with you to keep you informed of your child’s behaviour, progress and achievement across all areas of Academy life
  • Work in partnership with you to make our Academy exceptional with a sustained commitment to continuous improvement


Having signed this agreement, I/we will:

  • Ensure that my child attends the Academy on time every day
  • Ensure that my child wears the correct Academy uniform every day
  • Inform the Academy on the first day of absence by 8.40am at the latest
  • Support all of the Academy policies, including any sanctions given
  • Attend parents evenings, information events and all meetings as requested
  • Support and encourage my child with all home learning including planning and preparing for all assessments and examinations
  • Work with all Co-op Academy staff positively and respectfully
  • Not behave in a way that can be perceived as threatening or aggressive to members of the Academy: students, staff, or other parents.
  • Celebrate in my child’s successes and rewards throughout the year
  • Contact the Academy with any questions or concerns
  • Not libel, defame or otherwise make public statements via social media, or any other platform, that damage the reputation of the Academy or any of its staff.
  • Monitor our child’s use of their mobile phone and social media to ensure that they are not using it in a way that is harmful to themselves or others
  • Recognise that in all matters relating to policy, the Headteacher's decision is final.


I will:

  • Be prepared; be respectful; be engaged and be the best following the Academy Charter at all times
  • Attend the Academy on time every day at 8.40 am
  • Bring the correct equipment for each day
  • Be on time to all of my lessons
  • Wear my full Academy uniform correctly and with pride
  • Complete all work to the best of my ability including home learning tasks
  • Plan, and revise carefully for all of my progress tests, assessments and exams
  • Use good manners and help everyone in our Academy and local community
  • Feel proud to be an outstanding student of the Co-op Academy
  • Care for our Academy environment and be a positive contributor to our community
  • Report any bullying and unsafe behaviour
  • Respect all students and adults in the Academy and treat them equally
  • Ask for help and support when needed
  • Not use my mobile phone during the school day.
  • Not use social media or any other platform in a way that is harmful to any member of the Academy: student, staff or anyone else.