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Become a Governor and make us even stronger

We are a diverse academy with over 20 different languages spoken. We are proud to be one of the most inclusive academies in the city. We serve our local community and represent our shared values and commitment to our students, parents, and staff.

Academy governing councils are an integral part of this. Ofsted described ours as “strong and committed to improving provision and outcomes for pupils at the school.” And there is now a fantastic opportunity for someone to join the team. 

Our academy governing council must be diverse and represent the community it serves. On that basis, we are ideally interested in hearing from candidates who are of Black or Asian ethnicity, who are currently underrepresented on our board.

A diverse board is a better board that will make better and fairer decisions for all of our community. Our academy governing councils need a balance of skills and diversity to fulfil all of its responsibilities. By having a broader range of perspectives and experiences, our decision-making process is more efficient – meaning the outcomes will greatly benefit all of us. 

We are seeking candidates from parents and carers to stand for election onto the governing body of the academy. The term of office is 4 years.

We believe that good governance is vital to the success of the academy. Our governing body needs to have the skills and knowledge to champion success within the academy. It is essential that our governing body ensures that the academy lives its Values and Ways of Being.

To find out more about the role and what it involves click here.

To register your interest please click here.

To find out more about our current governing body click here.

Nomination and Election Process

Parent and carers are asked to nominate themselves using the above form.  All nomination forms need to be completed and submitted by Monday 24th January 2022 at 12.00 noon.

If we receive more than one nomination, we will use the information you have submitted on your form to create a candidate booklet, which will be sent out to all parents.  Parents and carers will be able to vote on which parent they would like to represent them.  The closing date for voting will be 12 noon, Monday 7th February 2022

The results of the election will be announced on Monday 14th February 2022.  The results will also be published on our website and social media.

If you would like to talk about this further, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Tammy Pyszky, our Governance Manager, at

To find out more about our current governing body click here.