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News and Letters

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  • COVID Update to Parents & Lateral Flow Programme

    Published 04/01/22

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    I hope you had a restful and peaceful break.  I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy and healthy new year.  There has been some updated guidance in relation to COVID-19 that I need to share with you.


    Attendance at the academy continues to be mandatory.  All students are expected to attend each day unless unwell or for another exceptional reason.  


    Year 11 GCSE exams will go ahead this summer.  The Government is determined that the exams will take place and that students will have the opportunity to demonstrate what they know.  Our P6 programme students will continue and all students in Year 11 will remain on site until 4pm.    

    Face Masks

    All school age children from Year 7 to Year 11 are now required – unless medically exempt – to wear a face mask in corridors and classrooms.  Please send your child with a mask each day.  The reality is that this is the best way to minimise the transmission of COVID-19 and it is something we can all do to protect each other and our wider community.  Please make sure masks are washed regularly.


    We are carrying out testing this week for returning students.  This is a really effective way to help us stop the spread of COVID-19 in the academy and the wider community.  Parents of students in Years 8-10 can still give consent for their child to have a test by completing this form.  Again, this is something we can all do to keep one another safe.  

    The link to the schedule for this week’s testing is at the end of this letter.

    Please can I strongly emphasise how important it is that students continue to test twice a week at home.


    If a student tests positive for COVID following a PCR test they must:

    • isolate for 7 days;
    • return to the Academy on day 7 but only if they have had a negative lateral flow test on day 6 and day 7;
    • continue to isolate for the full ten days if they do not have negative lateral flow tests on days 6 and 7.

    If a student is a contact with a positive case, they do not need to isolate, but they must take lateral flow tests for the next 7 days to check that they have not contracted the virus.

    Staffing Shortages

    You will have heard lots of news stories about projected staff shortages in academies as a result of isolating teachers and support staff.  At present this is not the case here at the academy.  However, I want to let you know that, in the event that we do start to experience increased cases of the COVID-19, our number one priority will be to keep the academy open so students can continue with face-to-face learning.  It may be that students are taught by a cover teacher or their classes are combined.  It is only as a very last resort that we would move back to home learning.  We will do everything in our power to keep the academy open for learning.

    What can we do together to keep students learning?

    You can help us  by ensuring that your child brings a mask each day and keeps testing twice a week at home.  In the academy we will do a number of things to stop the spread of COVID like not holding whole year-group assemblies for the time being.  Together, we can successfully ensure that all of the young people can continue to learn in the academy.  We all know that this is the best place for young people: both from an academic perspective but also in terms of their general wellbeing.  

    Report Positive Cases

    It will help us to monitor the situation if you can continue to report confirmed cases of COVID to us using this email: .

    Thank you

    I know that we are entering the third year of the pandemic now.  Inevitably, we will be reaching a point of fatigue with still more new and changing guidance.  However, I want to thank you for doing everything possible, and working with us, to ensure that we limit the spread of the virus and can keep our students learning.  

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  • Year 11 GCSE Preparation Exams

    Published 06/12/21

    There will be Year 11 GCSE Preparation Exams taking place on the week commencing Monday January 31st.

    The preparation exams will run for three weeks, you can find the timetable below.

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  • Exam certificate Information | Summer 2021

    Published 17/11/21

    Exam certificate | Summer 2021

    We will be posting Exam Certificates royal mail 2nd class  “signed for”, this means that someone must sign for receipt of the delivery.

    We will post them to the postal address we hold on our management information system, if you have changed your address and did not inform the academy could you please inform the Academy by email  before 30th November 2021.

    The Academy will not be held responsible for any certificates that have gone to an incorrect address or signed for by another person who is not the addressee or a member of their family.

    The certificates will be posted out from the end of November 2021.

    You will need these very important documents; most employers will ask to see your exam certificates as proof of your qualifications.

    The Academy will not be responsible for replacing or payment of any lost or not delivered certificates.

    To replace exam certificates a typical cost and website link details are below for your information:

    AQA  £43:00

    OCR  £49:00

    Pearson/Edexcel  £47:00

    WJEC  confirmation letter £30:00

    ncfe £35:00

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  • Summer School Success | Aug 2021

    Published 13/10/21

    Mon 23rd August – Friday 27th August

    Our Summer School journey was an excellent one where students had many opportunities to learn new skills, review and revisit many areas of their learning in KS2 and they were introduced to many new subjects as part of the introduction of the Curriculum at Key stage 3. 

    We pride ourselves on our strong community links and such strong supportive links ensured that we had the full support of the Hubb Foundation Port Vale to deliver such an amazing week of Summer School.  We received circa £21,000 of DFE funding and the Hubb Foundation provided meals for all our students as well as some staffing of practical activities through their great agency links.

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  • Headteachers Update

    Published 24/09/21

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    We have reached the end of another week, and yet again, it has been a real pleasure to see our students working hard with their teachers.  As I said last week, we’re focusing this year entirely on doing those things that really matter: quality classroom teaching; a revitalised extra-curricular programme; and making sure all of our students are supported to be the very best that they can.

    Mobile Phones 

    I’d like to remind you that we have had a really clear policy on mobile phones for a number of years now.  In short: mobile phones are not to be seen or used during the hours of the Academy day.  Mobile phones are an unwelcome source of distraction and, on occasion, conflict for young people.  Our role is to ensure students can learn in a safe and secure environment free from distractions and conflict.  I have made clear to students that where we see mobile phones, this is reported, and the phone is then confiscated by a Year Manager or senior leader.  We have adopted a very clear line on this in order to make sure there is no confusion about our expectations in this regard. 

    This is a policy that applies to all students at the Academy.

    Year 11 GCSE Preparation Exams

    This term is absolutely crucial for our Year 11 students.  We fully expect exams to take place at the end of the year for GCSE students.  It might be easy for students to wonder whether we will see, as we have in the last two years, a cancellation of exams.  I do not expect that to be the case.  

    In turn, the first set of GCSE Preparation Exams will begin on Monday 4th of October for all  Year 11 students.  The timetable is at the end of this letter.  This is a really important first milestone for Year 11 and  students need to take ownership of their revision for these exams: planning ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ they will prepare.  

    Year 11 Study Plus Programme

    Our Study Plus timetable (see the end of this letter) is ready to launch from Monday.  This is one of the ways that we will be supporting students to prepare for their exams with confidence.

    Attendance is compulsory.  

    This is a key part of our educational recovery strategy and means our Year 11 students get even more time with their teachers.  Confidence is really important to anyone approaching exams and this time will be designed to build students’ confidence and ensure they can achieve.

    Open Evening

    Last night we held our first in-person Open Evening since the pandemic.  One of the real highlights for me was to watch our student volunteers talking to prospective parents and carers about what life is like here at the Academy.  They were a real credit and I wanted to thank you for your support in ensuring that they could attend the event.  Our greatest ambassadors are our students and they make a real difference at events of this kind.  I’d like to specifically congratulate Carla and Mehrab in Year 11 who addressed the parents following my speech.  They spoke with real confidence and conviction about their time here at the Academy.  Congratulations to them.  It was a fantastic event.  

    I wish you and your family a restful weekend.

    Yours faithfully,

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  • Headteachers Update

    Published 17/09/21

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    We have reached the end of another week and, once again, I’m delighted to be able to tell you it has been wonderful to visit lessons and see students working exceptionally hard.  As I said last week, our absolute priority this year is to focus fully on educational recovery and getting back to what we do best: providing a fantastic education, rich with extra-curricular opportunities, and underpinned by great support for all of our students.  

    Can I extend my thanks to you for all of your support in helping us to have such a fantastic start to the year.

    Adjustment to uniform expectations on PE Days

    Following some feedback and questions from students, we have adapted our expectations when students have PE.  Effective immediately, students are required to wear a blazer with their PE kit on days when they have PE.  They then change out of the blazer at the start of their PE lesson and put it back at the end.  Students told us that this would mean that they would have an alternative dry top to wear if on PE days.  

    COVID Vaccinations for 12-15 year olds

    Following advice from the Chief Medical Officer, the Government has taken the decision to offer one dose of the COVID vaccine to young people aged between 12 and 15.  This is not mandatory and the decision to receive a jab is one based on consent.  You can read the Government guidance here .  As with all vaccinations for school age children, this programme will be delivered by the School Age Immunisation Service (SAIS).  At this stage, I have not been contacted regarding specific arrangements for the commencement of vaccinations here at the Academy.  As you would expect, once I have that information I will contact parents and carers again.

    Change to the COVID rules

    A reminder that since August, a child under the age of 18 years, has not been required to self-isolate if someone in their home has tested positive for COVID-19.  Equally, unless someone has COVID symptoms, they are not required to isolate if they take a PCR because they have been in contact with someone who is positive.  You can read the latest guidance: here.

    We strongly advise all young people to test twice a week using the lateral flow tests we have provided.

    Meet the Headteacher Event

    The first one of these is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 21st September and is now full.  Thank you to those parents and carers who have booked appointments, I very much look forward to meeting you.  There is clearly a demand for these kinds of events and more dates will be released in the coming weeks.  It’s a great opportunity for me to speak directly with parents and carers to understand your views about the Academy.

    Academy Open Evening

    This is taking place next Thursday (23rd September).  As always the academy will close at 2:30 so that we can prepare for the event.  If you need your child to stay on site until 3:20, please can you let us know.  

    Suspicious Cars

    I have been made aware of a very small number of incidents in the area where cars have approached young people, and in one case, where someone has tried to get a child into a vehicle.  Clearly this is very distressing for the young person involved.  Can I ask that you impress upon your child the need to be careful, walk with friends where possible, and to report anything suspicious to the police immediately.  

    Extra-Curricular Clubs & Activities

    I am delighted that we can return to offering a wide extra-curricular programme this year.  Miss Hazell (Extra Curricular & Cultural Capital Leader) is working hard to put together the timetable ready to share with students next week.  Taking part in extracurricular activities is one of the real joys of school life, often helping students to forge friendships and make memories that will last long after they have left school.  We will be actively seeking maximum participation from all of our students and I would ask you to encourage your child to look at what’s on offer and get involved.  

    I wish you and your family a restful weekend.

    Yours faithfully,

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  • Early Closure Information

    Published 15/09/21

    A reminder that we close at 2.20pm on Thursday 23rd September to prepare for our Open Evening event. Please see a letter from Mr Richardson below.

    We only have 10 places available for 5.30pm and 20 places for 4.30pm which can be booked via the link on the front page of the website.

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  • Important information: Thursday September 9th

    Published 07/09/21

    Y10 and Y11 students should arrive at the Academy at 8.45am, as usual, on Thursday 9th September and go straight to their Meet & Greet lines.
    Y8 and Y9 should arrive at the Academy at 10.15am and go straight to their Meet & Greet lines. 

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