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News and Letters

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  • Return to the Academy – September 2022

    Published 30/08/22

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Return to the Academy – September

    We are staggering the start of term in September.  New Year 7 students will be in the academy on the 7th September.  All other year groups will start the term on Thursday 8th September.  Each year group will start at a different time.  These times are shown in the table below.

    Additionally, all Students are required to attend a pastoral meeting with their Tutor and to collect their timetable on Wednesday 7th September, please check Google Classroom from Monday 5th September for the timings. Students also must attend in their full academy uniform.

    Year Group Date Time
    7 Wednesday 7th September 08:50
    8 Thursday 8th September 09:15
    9 Thursday 8th September 09:35
    10 Thursday 8th September 10:55
    11 Thursday 8th September 10:25

    School Starts at 8:50

    From Friday 9th September, all students will start school at the normal time of 8:50.  We expect all students to be in their Meet and Greet lines by 8:50.  Any student who is not in their line at 8:50 is late.  This will result in a same day 30 minute detention.  

    We understand that occasionally students, for a variety of plausible and unavoidable reasons, are late, although this should be very rare.  If this is the case, we would ask that the students’ parents contact the academy to let us know.  


    All students are expected to attend the academy in full uniform when they return.  Our school uniform has not changed. Parents and carers need to ensure that their child has the correct uniform for September.  

    Our uniform is as follows:

    • Black trousers – not denim, leggings or tightly fitted
    • Black knee length skirt
    • White shirt – with a top button, not a blouse
    • Black blazer with the Academy badge to be worn at all times
    • Flat black shoes – not trainers or anything that has the appearance of a trainer
    • Muslim students may wear a plain black shalwar kameez, plain black scarf with an Academy blazer or a plain balc jilbab.
    • Students may also wear a plain black v-neck cardigan or jumper, which must show the colour on the tie.  There must be no visible logos.

    Our PE Kit is as follows:

    • Academy black polo shirt
    • Plain black tracksuit bottoms or plain black gym leggings.
    • Trainers.

    Students bring their kit with them on the days when they have PE and get changed at the start of the lesson.


    Students are not allowed to wear jewellery of any description at any time except a watch.  The Academy will ask students who wear jewellery to remove it.  Repeated breaches of this rule will result in jewellery being confiscated.

    Hair Styles

    Students must have hair that is natural in colour and not extreme in style.

    Make Up

    We recognise that this can be a sensitive issue and have therefore agreed the following reasonable approach to make-up:

    • Make up can be worn but must be neutral: false eye-lashes and make-up that is any colour other than a neutral one is not allowed.
    • Any type of artificial nail, and nail polish of any colour, are not allowed.
    • Students will be asked to remove make-up and nails if they are in breach of this rule.  


    All students require basic equipment to be used in their lessons, they need:

    • 2 black pens 
    • A pencil
    • A ruler
    • A pencil case
    • A proper school bag to carry their equipment

    In September, all students will be issued with a knowledge organiser and a Coop Dictionary, all students must bring both of these every day.  We expect students to look after these and ensure that they are kept in good condition.  

    Mobile Phones

    Mobile phones are banned at our academy.  Students are not allowed to use their mobile phone at any point during the academy day.  Students who bring a mobile phone will be asked to switch it off and keep it in their bag at Meet and Green first thing in the morning.  

    If it is seen at any point after that, students will receive a same-day 30 minute detention.  

    If parents need to contact students, they are asked to contact the main reception to do so and we will ensure messages are delivered appropriately.  

    Mobile phones are a distraction and stop children learning.  Equally, they have a detrimental effect on students’ wellbeing and mental health.  Evidence from a range of sources has demonstrated this is the case.  In turn, we ask parents to fully support our stance on this matter.

    Free Breakfast Club – 8am

    We have opened a breakfast club that is free to all students every day.  I want to strongly encourage students to come into school in time to grab something to eat and have a drink.  Our breakfast club has proved incredibly popular so far.  It is absolutely free to all students.  Students wishing to attend should come to the canteen between 8am and 8:30.  Food stops being served at 8:40.

    Feedback from students has been incredibly positive and I want to encourage as many students as possible to take advantage of this great opportunity.

    Teaching Groups

    At the start of September, students will be placed into their teaching groups for the year ahead.  Last year, our focus was very much on helping students to recover their learning gaps from COVID.  It may be that there are some slight changes to groups as we move back to full normality.  

    I hope you enjoy the last few days of the summer holiday and we look forward to welcoming everybody in September.

    Yours faithfully

    Mr S. Richardson


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  • GCSE Results 2022 – A Record Breaking Year

    Published 26/08/22

    This year was the first time that students had set externally marked exams since the pandemic.  That in itself is significant.  But when we stop for a moment and consider the uncertainty and, at times, chaos of the last few years, the achievements of all students taking exams this year is put firmly into perspective.

    The Class of 2022 started their GCSEs in September 2020 just as schools were reopening following the COVID lockdown of Spring 2020.  As we now know, there was still a further lockdown to come; countless days of isolation; and uncertainty and unpredictability at every turn.  

    And yet, our students overcame the challenges of the pandemic to achieve the Academy’s best ever results.  

    There are so many ways to analyse a set of exam results and there is no question at all that these results mark an historic moment for the academy.  More importantly than that though, these results are a crucial moment in the lives of the young people who have demonstrated incredible resilience to achieve them.

    The cohort of 2022 have achieved more passes in English and maths than ever before; they have achieved more Grade 9s than any other group of students in the Academy’s history; and from the day that they started to the end of Year 11, they have made more progress than any other Year 11 cohort.  

    We are exceptionally proud of their academic achievements; we are even more in awe of the character and integrity that they have shown through difficult circumstances to arrive at this point.  

    It is customary on Results Days to highlight individual successes.  And there are many.  However, I think that on this occasion we should celebrate everyone’s success.  Every single student had their own experience of the pandemic; each had their own challenges to overcome; and they did so with incredible grit and strength of character.

    The Cohort of 2022 has infused me with a sense of incredible optimism about the future.  If these young people can confront, tackle and overcome the adversity of the last few years, and achieve these exceptional results, then I look forward to hearing of their accomplishments as adults.  There is little doubt that they can become great leaders and innovators of the future.

    For us, at the Academy, they have set the standard for what success looks like.  Their legacy will be a continued and relentless determination to build on their success and reach new heights.  

    On behalf of all our teachers and staff: congratulations, we are incredibly proud of you.

    We wish them all every success in their next steps and all the happiness as they begin to make their way as adults.  

    Mr S. Richardson


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  • Stoke Student Scores Top Grades After Only 2 Years in the UK

    Published 25/08/22

    Arriving in Stoke from Romania in 2020, Maria spoke little English but today has celebrated a fantastic set of results. With seven equivalent grades 5 and above,  including an 8 and 9 in English Language and Literature. 

    Maria moved to the UK with her parents and siblings in 2020,and joined Co-op Academy Stoke-on-Trent  in the midst of the first lockdown, a challenging time for students across the UK. 

    “It was a bit difficult at first. I didn’t know English very well, or any of the teachers or students. In Romania, we didn’t really work with Google Meet and Google Classroom, so it was new, everything was very new. I only really knew English from watching films and TV. It is a second language for me.”

    When the academy opened up to students after months of online learning, Maria met her peers and teachers for the first time. She even chose her GCSE subjects over the phone from home. 

    With no previous academic records, and understanding her challenges with the English language, Co-op Academy Stoke-on-Trent supported her by placing her in lower ability classes to begin with, giving her the best chance of accessing the curriculum. But within two weeks her performance in class placed her amongst the most gifted students in the academy. 

    “I was in the 5th set for Maths. And in my second week I had an assessment. That was on Friday. By Monday I was in the top set. I guess my Maths skills from Romania helped. After mocks in Science and English, I moved to the top sets for those too.”

    With the help of a student buddy, friends, and the staff at Co-op Academy Stoke-on-Trent, Maria soon became known for her unbelievable work ethic and determination as well as being voted as ‘The Most Amusing’ by her peers in Year 11. 

    “When you move to a brand new country, brand new school, brand new home, and you don’t know anyone…at first you do try. But then you can kind of think, is it worth it? I think that’s how I felt at one point, being in third set for English, low set in Science, low set in Maths. That I might not try. But then I thought no, this is my future. And I just really wanted to achieve the best that I could.” 

    Mr Ahmed, Head of Year 11 at Co-op Academy Stoke-on-Trent said of her progress “Maria has shown true grit and determination to achieve outstanding grades in her GCSEs, this will open a lot of doors for her as she continues her studies in college next year, and I’m sure her strength of character will take her far in life.”

    Maria became a popular member of the academy community and is quick to praise the staff (especially her Head of Year Mr. Ahmed) and peers for helping her to settle. She described the atmosphere at the academy as warm, sociable and happy. Maria’s goal is to study Psychology at University.

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  • The Emma Murray Award

    Published 20/07/22

    This term we have awarded our annual Emma Murray Award for Kindness this week to Year 7 student Marcel and Year 10 student Calla.

    Both students were nominated by staff for the kindness, thoughtfulness, and compassion they show to others, every single day.

    One of Marcel’s many nominations read, ‘Marcel is always the first to offer to help, to replace a forgotten pen for another student, to hold the door for a teacher, to check in with his classmates to see how they are…the list goes on. He is incredibly kind to everyone, every day.’

    One of Calla’s nominations read, ‘Having known and worked with Mrs. Murray, I know that she would have championed students like Calla. The student when everything is against them, push through and succeed. Calla is selfless and a role model to all.’

    Marcel and Calla are the fourth recipients of this award that began in 2019 after the tragic death of inspirational English teacher and PSHE Lead, Emma Murray. Emma began her teaching career at the Academy and soon became a much-loved member of staff by students and colleagues alike.

    Emma taught the students that being kind matters, how you treat other people matters, and striving to do the right thing matters.

    It is for these reasons that this award is so fitting and a chance for students who embody Emma’s values, day in, day out, to receive recognition for being such wonderful members of our Academy community. 

    Both students received a beautiful sunflower trophy (Emma’s favourite flower) and cinema vouchers, all provided by Emma’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. 

    Our winners are pictured by a bookcase specially designed for Emma by our Technology department, which now has pride of place in The Emma Murray Library at the Academy.

    Marcel and Calla both plan on spending their cinema vouchers in the school holidays. On being informed of their win, both students were very shocked but very pleased with Marcel commenting, ‘It’s nice to think of others. It’s good to see people smile.’

    We’re certain that Mrs. Murray would agree.

    Congratulations to you both! 

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  • Things to do this Summer

    Published 20/07/22

    Below you will find lots of activities you can take part in this Summer as well as a list of venues that will be offering free food or meals for very low prices.

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  • School Games Achievement

    Published 13/07/22

    We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the School Games SILVER Mark Award for the 2021/22 academic year.

    The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise schools engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.

    We are extremely proud of our students for their dedication to all aspects of physical activity and school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our events possible. We are committed to using the School Games to try and engage those young people who haven’t previously been active or represented our school and to try and ensure that all our students have a positive experience and want to try out new activities beyond school too in our community. We believe in the power of physical activity and school sport as a school and give opportunities to those young people that need it most either as a participant, leader, official or volunteer.

    As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas linked to the five School Games outcomes and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year.

    A special thanks to: The whole academy staff, the students and especially the PE staff! We look forward to applying once again in 2023!

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  • Important Transition Information​​​​​​​

    Published 16/06/22

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    I have really enjoyed meeting your children over the past few weeks whilst visiting primary schools. I will visit as many schools as possible before the intake days. Mr. Ahmed who is the Head of Year 7 from September will also be visiting primary schools to meet the Year 6 children. Rest assured, I have good relationships with many schools and I have already organised to meet with your child’s Year 6 teacher and to visit your child in their primary school before the end of this term
    A reminder – Intake days At Co- op Academy Stoke-on-Trent are: 

    • Wednesday 6th July 9.00am -3.00pm 
    • Thursday 7th July 9.00am -3.00pm  
    • Students must bring a bag, pen, pencils and stationery equipment on both days.

    All pupils are to wear their Primary School uniform. 

    Pupils meet at the front of the academy and will be escorted to the Sports Hall for their welcome assembly.

    Pupils will need to bring £2.50 for a lunch meal deal or bring a packed lunch. (Polite reminder we are a nut free academy )  If your child receives free school meals they will do so on these days too.

    Please click the button below for more transition information and can I remind all parents/carer you must complete all 4 google forms that have been sent out via emails to ensure that you receive free school uniform in July 


    3.45pm – 4.15pm & 4.30pm – 5.00pm 

    Parents/Carers of Year 6 children who will be attending Co-op Academy Stoke-on-Trent in September are invited to attend the Intake evening; you will have the opportunity to meet your son/daughter’s form tutors and learn more about provisions for September 2022.

    Please note due to large numbers of parents expected at the event you must only attend at the specified times. We have split the evening via Primary Schools. Times are below.

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  • Year 11 GCSE Exams

    Published 05/04/22

    Dear Parent/Carer,

    Thank you for your support this year with your child’s attendance to P6. After Easter there will be no more P6, instead your child will follow the exam and revision timetable below.

    You will see that our wonderful staff are also offering exam blasts on the evening before the exams and the morning of the exams.

    Please encourage your child to attend the sessions and to work hard in these last few weeks. I wish your child every success.

    Mrs Crowther-Green.

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  • Headteacher’s Update​​​​​​​

    Published 28/02/22

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    As we approach half-term I want to wish all of our families a peaceful and restful break.  However, before we arrive at the break there are a couple of very important updates for me to share.

    Face Masks

    The vast majority of students have returned looking smart and ready to learn.  I would just remind everyone about two specific parts of our uniform policy.  Firstly, acrylic or ‘false’ nails of any kind are not permitted.  Ultimately, this is for health and safety reasons: e

    We have removed the requirement for students to wear face masks in either communal spaces or classrooms.  Therefore, from Monday 28th February it is no longer an expectation that students attend with a face mask and they are not expected to wear one.

    We do reserve the right to reintroduce face masks as a precaution under the instruction of the local Public Health team.  I’d like to take this opportunity to once again thank everyone for supporting us by sending students with a face mask throughout the pandemic.


    From Monday 28th February students will no longer be permitted to attend the academy in their PE kits.  All students must return in full uniform every day and then get changed into their PE kit at the start of timetabled lessons.  We will be undertaking our usual uniform inspections as part of the meet and greet programme each morning.  We expect all students to return in the correct uniform every day after the half-term break.

    Furthermore, I would repeat again, for the avoidance of doubt, that false nails of any kind are not permitted at the academy.  Equally, students are not allowed to wear piercings of any form at the academy.  Please can I ask parents not to take children for piercings prior to returning to the academy.  It only serves to cause discord and acrimony when we insist such piercings are removed which inevitably we will in order to uphold the uniform policy approved by the Governing Body.

    The uniform list is available on our website.

    #Proud Event & Manners Award

    We have had two wonderful celebrations this week to recognise our students.  Firstly, on Thursday and Friday we held our inaugural #Proud Event which you may have seen on our social media page.  At the time of writing over 250 students have brought work to share that makes them proud.  This has been a wonderful opportunity for me to speak and celebrate students’ hard work and sense of achievement.  Yesterday, we gave out our Manners Award for this term.  We have been having an initiative on manners throughout the last half-term to really drive home the importance of this really vital attribute.  Yesterday we awarded those students, selected by the academy staff, who have been the best examples of great manners this half term.  Well done to everyone who has received an award.

    I wish you, and your family, a wonderful break.

    Yours faithfully,

    Mr S Richardson

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  • Train to Teach with Co-op Academies

    Published 11/02/22

    Andy Gibson- Head of Early Career Framework with Initial Teacher Training

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  • Headteacher’s Update

    Published 07/01/22

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Thank you

    We have come to the end of the first ‘staggered’ week of term and we’re back into the business of learning.  Thank you to all parents and carers who gave consent to their children doing lateral flow tests on their return.  This is a really important way that we can all do something to keep one another safe and I just want to express my thanks for your support.  Equally, thank you to everyone who has ensured that their child has returned to the Academy with a mask to wear.  Again, it’s a simple act that demonstrates that we’re doing everything we can to try and keep each other safe.


    The vast majority of students have returned looking smart and ready to learn.  I would just remind everyone about two specific parts of our uniform policy.  Firstly, acrylic or ‘false’ nails of any kind are not permitted.  Ultimately, this is for health and safety reasons: excessively long nails can be a risk to both the student wearing them and others.  Please can I ask that parents do not take students to have their nails done in this way during the term.  It only creates discord when we insist that they are removed.  Equally, can I remind parents that we do not permit the wearing of earrings.  These are long-standing elements of our uniform policy but I wanted to reiterate that as we begin the New Year.


    I have been contacted by a local business – Glass Installations – who operate on Tunstall Trade Park.  They are concerned that parents may be waiting in their car park at the end of the day and putting themselves and children at risk.  The company is currently trying to address an issue it is having with HGV drivers using the car park as a turning circle.  There have been a couple of occasions where there have been ‘near-misses’ between cars, people and HGVs.  I wanted to alert parents to the risk.  I recognise parking can be challenging, but safety has to be a paramount consideration.  Can I also restate the message I sent at the end of last term about the road markings outside of the Academy and the need for parents to give appropriate consideration to local residents when collecting students at the end of the day.

    Year 11

    Year 11 has just 80 school days remaining from the beginning of next week; that equates to around 40 lessons in maths and English, for example.  This is a really important time for students as they prepare for their GCSEs.  It’s also a really exciting time as we build momentum towards those final exams in the summer.  As we know, and as I said in my letter earlier this week: exams are going ahead this year for the first time since 2019.  

    We’re continuing to put lots of support in for our Year 11s: P6 every day to increase learning time; specialised tutoring for groups of students; and a whole range of revision materials.  By working together we can help our students to maximise their potential.  

    Key things parents can be doing to help are:

    • Make sure that their attendance at the Academy is excellent;
    • talk to your child about their subjects;
    • check that they have a revision timetable and somewhere to revise at home;
    • get involved: test them on their knowledge and help them to revise;
    • ensure your child has applied to college: this gives them a sense of direction.
    • get in touch with us if you have any questions about how you can help.

    COVID Testing

    Can I again restate that it is really important for students to take two lateral flow tests each week.  This, along with mask wearing, is the best way to keep our academy open, children learning, and reduce the risk of COVID transmission.  If you don’t have sufficient tests at home for your child to test, they can obtain some from the academy.

    I wish you and your family a restful weekend.

    Yours faithfully,

    Mr S Richardson

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  • Become a Governor and make us even stronger

    Published 07/01/22

    We are a diverse academy with over 20 different languages spoken. We are proud to be one of the most inclusive academies in the city. We serve our local community and represent our shared values and commitment to our students, parents, and staff.

    Academy governing councils are an integral part of this. Ofsted described ours as “strong and committed to improving provision and outcomes for pupils at the school.” And there is now a fantastic opportunity for someone to join the team. 

    Our academy governing council must be diverse and represent the community it serves. On that basis, we are ideally interested in hearing from candidates who are of Black or Asian ethnicity, who are currently underrepresented on our board.

    A diverse board is a better board that will make better and fairer decisions for all of our community. Our academy governing councils need a balance of skills and diversity to fulfil all of its responsibilities. By having a broader range of perspectives and experiences, our decision-making process is more efficient – meaning the outcomes will greatly benefit all of us. 

    We are seeking candidates from parents and carers to stand for election onto the governing body of the academy. The term of office is 4 years.

    We believe that good governance is vital to the success of the academy. Our governing body needs to have the skills and knowledge to champion success within the academy. It is essential that our governing body ensures that the academy lives its Values and Ways of Being.

    To find out more about the role and what it involves click here.

    To register your interest please click here.

    To find out more about our current governing body click here.

    Nomination and Election Process

    Parent and carers are asked to nominate themselves using the above form.  All nomination forms need to be completed and submitted by Monday 24th January 2022 at 12.00 noon.

    If we receive more than one nomination, we will use the information you have submitted on your form to create a candidate booklet, which will be sent out to all parents.  Parents and carers will be able to vote on which parent they would like to represent them.  The closing date for voting will be 12 noon, Monday 7th February 2022

    The results of the election will be announced on Monday 14th February 2022.  The results will also be published on our website and social media.

    If you would like to talk about this further, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Tammy Pyszky, our Governance Manager, at

    To find out more about our current governing body click here.

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